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nfoldROI Systems Development Life Cycle

nfoldROI Systems Development Life Cycle

Every customer, business, and process is different. 

A Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) typically includes several distinct phases to ensure a system’s successful creation and implementation. Here are the typical stages of the SDLC:

  1. Planning: This initial phase involves defining the project’s scope and purpose, identifying resources, and creating a project plan.
  2. Analysis: In this phase, the system’s requirements are gathered and analyzed. This includes understanding the users’ needs and any constraints.
  3. Design: The system’s architecture and design are created based on the requirements. This includes high-level design (overall system architecture) and detailed design (specific components).
  4. Development: This phase involves the actual coding and building of the system. Developers create the software according to the design specifications.
  5. Testing: The system is rigorously tested to identify and fix any bugs or issues. This ensures that the system meets the required standards and functions correctly.
  6. Implementation: The system is deployed to the users. This phase may include user training and system integration.
  7. Maintenance: After deployment, the system is maintained and updated as needed.

Different methodologies, such as waterfall, agile, and spiral, can be applied within the SDLC, each with its own approach to these phases.

Our Consulting Methodology is flexible; we offer a structured classic Waterfall, Agile or Hybrid approach to achieve the fastest high-quality, low-cost and secure results:

  • Analysis and Documentation of Customer Requirements
  • Architecture and Functional Design
  • Fixed Price or T&M Proposal
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Implementation
  • Documentation
  • Training
  • Customer Evaluation
  • Release
  • Maintenance & Support

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