adjust.IT Esri Utility Network Model

The ESRI Utility Network Model (UNM) - a comprehensive utility and telco framework.

It offers robust tools and capabilities for modelling, analysing, and maintaining infrastructure, setting it apart as a powerful solution for electric, gas, water, stormwater, wastewater, and telecommunications networks.

Network Modelling: It allows for the detailed modelling of all components in a utility system, including wires, pipes, valves, zones, devices, and circuits.

Connectivity and Tracing: Users can discover how features and objects are connected within the network and trace the flow of resources like gas, water, and electricity through the system.

Operational View: The model provides an operational view of the network, showing how dynamic devices are configured and interact.

Real-World Events Analysis: The ESRI Utility Network Model is not just a theoretical tool. It’s a practical solution that empowers you to analyse how the network is impacted by real-world events such as storms, outages, or equipment failures. This feature is invaluable for understanding and mitigating the impact of such events on your network.

Deployment Flexibility: The utility network can be accessed through enterprise deployment for large-scale, multiuser environments or single-user deployment on a file or mobile geodatabase.

Visualisation and Analysis Tools: Users can create thematic maps and network diagrams, manage assets within complex assemblies, and perform various types of network analysis.

Our adjust.IT for ArcGIS Pro version fully supports Esri’s Utility Network Model.


Services using adjust.IT Esri Utility Network Model

nfoldROI GIS Services

GIS Services

GIS services involve the use of computer systems to capture, store, analyze, and visualise geospatial data.
nfoldROI Data Entry

GIS Training

We offer a wide range of training, from beginner to advanced levels, covering various aspects of GIS technology.
nfoldROI GIS Support

GIS Support

Quality and comprehensive GIS support is vital to maintain an effective business system.
nfoldROI GIS Maintenance

GIS Maintenance

Maintaining a GIS is essential for ensuring its reliability and effectiveness.
nfoldROI GIS Conflation Training

Conflation Training

Conflation training is required to merge data from different sources to create a more accurate and comprehensive dataset.
nfoldROI GIS Conflation

Conflation Services

Conflation meticulously combines spatial data from multiple sources, such as a legacy land base related to utility networks and highly accurate LIDAR, Digital Imagery, GPS or Terrestrial Surveys.
nfoldROI GIS/ADMS Integration

ADMS Data Readiness

ADMS data readiness prepares your organisation’s data and business processes.
Global Right shoring


Right shoring services involve strategically placing a business’s operations in locations that offer the best balance of cost, efficiency, and quality.
nfoldROI GIS Consulting

GIS Consulting

GIS consulting involves expert advice and services.